Hair grows on an average of ¼-½" every month. This is not different for locs. This new growth has to be incorporated into the locs by way of maintenance. These methods include;
1. Palmrolling
2. Interlocking
3. Crocheting

 1⃣ PALMROLLINGThis technique involves incorporating the new growth into place by taking the loose hairs and twisting it in a rolling fashion in between your fingers and using a clip to secure its hold if necessary and letting it to dry with the help of a hair dryer or to air dry naturally.
๐Ÿ‘‰It is usually held in place with an holding agent such as oils(or gels) or through the use of instruments such as alligator hair clips or by twisting it upon itself until it forms a loop in the absence of clips.
๐Ÿ‘‰Subsequently the hair is put in a dryer and allowed to dry for some minutes to give it more hold or it is alternatively let to air dry properly before the clips or loop is removed.

✔Retains the round shape of your locs
✔It takes less time to do

✖It doesn't last as long
✖Unravels when wet
✖Might require products
✖Requires regular maintence as it unravels easily
Read on how to make your retwist last longer here

 2⃣ INTERLOCKING: In this technique,unlike palmrolling, it requires the aid of an interlocking or latch hook to keep the new growth in place.
๐Ÿ‘‰It is done by passing your locs into the tool and passing it under your root or new growth until all the new growth has been interlocked.
๐Ÿ‘‰It is done every 8 weeks or more to ensure enough new growth and avoid thinning.
Read more on interlocking here
Model uses interlocking as maintenance routine

✔It offers a long lasting maintenance
✔Does not unravel in water
✔It does not require any products
✔It does not require regular maintenance
✔This maintenance method may be employed by people with active lifestyle eg people who work out a lot or swim.

✖It gives the locs a braid-like look
✖It can damage your locs if not done properly
✖If done too often can thin locs
✖It tends to appear smaller in size or diameter than palmrolled locs

 3⃣ CROCHETING: This is a newer approach to maintaining new growth compared to the ones mentioned earlier.
๐Ÿ‘‰Just like it is done when trying to create instant locs, the crochet tool is used to crochet the new growth in place.
๐Ÿ‘‰It is done by using the tool to go in and out of the new growth while twisting the hair in order to hold in place. The root is then interlocked to hold the crocheted locs in place if necessary or it can be palmrolled.

✔Maintains the shape of the loc
✔It lasts longer than palmrolling
✔Does not require product
✔The interlocked root ensures it does not unravel easily

✖Expect some few stings from the needle point of the tool.

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